Everyone in the social media world will agree on one thing: Facebook is king. There are several reasons why this is true. When most people think of the term “social network,” Facebook is the first thing that comes to mind. Furthermore, Facebook is by far the largest of the social media giants. We’re talking upwards of 2.23 monthly average users! The following Facebook stats serve to prove that Facebook reigns supreme. These stats will also remind us of the importance of dominating the Facebook marketing scene.
As digital marketers, we need to view Facebook features differently than the average user. We need to view social media through the lens of marketing strategies and what our target segment wants to see. For average users, Facebook is a means to keep tabs on friends. These social connections also provide marketers with the opportunity to spread the word about our products and offerings.
Whether we are promoting a simple business page with the occasional post in a Facebook group, or an extensive multimedia campaign, Facebook and its massive user base are something we cannot ignore. Let’s take a look at some of the more recent Facebook stats and consider the current potential of the platform.
17 Facebook Facts You Can’t Ignore
Facebook Stats: General Usage
There’s no getting around it…Facebook is everywhere. The average user is no longer a college student. Instead, Facebook attracts all sorts of users – teens, housewives, grandparents, pretty much anyone and everyone! Furthermore, just about every website you visit has a button to share the page via Facebook. Heck, even small non-profits look to gain free promotion by having site visitors share their content via Facebook.
So…you’re likely wondering how far Facebook extends in terms of users. If so, here’s the skinny.
1.) Facebook Reaches Nearly 3 Billion Users Every Month
As of January 2022, Facebook has roughly 2.912 billion (yes, billion, not million) monthly active users (MAU). This is roughly 63% of social media users around the globe and 58.4% of global internet users. Think about that for a moment. A little less than half of the internet-enabled world engages with Facebook in some way, shape, or form. That’s just downright impressive in my book. This is a massive stockpile of potential customers even if you only connect with a small segment of Facebook users.

2.) 1.93 Billion Facebook Users Engage Every Day
Roughly 66% of the 2.912 billion Facebook users engage with the platform on a daily basis. I don’t mean to state the obvious, but this Facebook statistic makes it clear that there’s a ton of active users on the platform! So, why is this worth mentioning? The rationale is pretty simple – Facebook plays an important role in the daily lives of 1.93 billion users around the world. This figure carries a lot of weight since this means that your business can reach 1.93 billion sets of eyes every day, which, in turn, means that you have the ability to generate a large chunk of revenue via Facebook.
3.) 69% of American Adults Use Facebook
The majority of American adults don’t have a lot of time to spare. However, nearly 7 out of 10 American adults use Facebook according to a phone survey conducted in early 2021. It’s worth noting that this statistic only includes adults. Furthermore, this figure includes senior citizens, instead of just younger users who make up the bulk of users for most of the other networks. Most parents and older adults use Facebook to keep tabs on their relatives of all ages. Facebook makes it easier to stay connected with social circles via users’ “friends” lists and the wide array of Facebook pages dedicated to clubs, groups, and causes.
Facebook Stats: Active Users
The majority of the global population is on Facebook. However, there is some variation in terms of population saturation. This means that there are certain segments of society where the proportion of Facebook users is larger or smaller than the global average. As marketers, we can use this deeper level of knowledge to inform our advertising choices and tweak the type of content we share on Facebook.
4.) 77% of Facebook Users are Between the Ages of 30-49
According to the Pew Research Center, 77% of active Facebook users are between the ages of 30 and 49. This is more than 3/4 of the total active user base…that’s a MASSIVE segment! This age range is typically more established than the younger crowds and they often have children of a wide variety of ages living under the same roof. This age range also has a better handle on the everyday hassles of life, specifically those of the financial variety. This makes this segment an ideal target for most B2C businesses.
This age range is also phenomenal for growth since they may pass on their spending habits and brand appreciation to a growing population of children and young adults. The second-largest age group for Facebook users is those between the ages of 18 and 29, which amounts to 70% of the sample group.

5.) Only 50% of users over the age of 65 are on Facebook
Again, according to the Pew Research Center, only 50% of the 65+ user pool is active on Facebook. This is still pretty high for a social network, especially if you consider the other major players, which show a sharp decline in active users as people grow older. Many users who have reached the age of retirement won’t even consider engaging on LinkedIn since they no longer need a professional network. However, the same does not apply to Facebook since most grandparents love to keep tabs on their beloved grandchildren. This age bracket is also a great “all-purpose” segment because they purchase stuff for the grandkids and often have plenty of excess cash to do so.
6.) Only 27% of American Teens Use Facebook
Per Fortune, fewer and fewer American teenagers are using Facebook on a regular basis. For many marketers, this may come as a shocking Facebook statistic seeing how roughly 60% of American teens used Facebook on the regular as recently as 2016. There are many reasons why this figure has decreased by more than 50% in a matter of six years. However, I’m of the mindset that cyberbullying on Facebook and other social media channels is a major culprit.
Yes, some of the losses are due to kids “aging out” of the demographic, but the younger ones don’t sign up at all, no matter how awesome the content. Furthermore, it’s easy to see why parents, in the wave of cyberbullying horror stories, are simply saying “no” to their children’s engagement with the social media platform.
On that note, Facebook also seems to be losing its “cool” factor among the younger crowd. Other platforms, such as Instagram and Snapchat, are more popular among the teen segment. Kids love to enjoy the latest thing and Facebook is no longer the latest hip trend for sharing content, engaging, and absorbing content.
7.) 70% of Those Earning $75,000+ in the United States Use Facebook
This Facebook stat may come as a surprise to some, but may also make total sense to others. Regardless, this is by far the largest chunk of high-earners among all the social media platforms with the exception of YouTube. If you recall from earlier, I’m not of the school of thought that YouTube is a social platform even though it is a valuable tool for us marketers.
Regardless of whether you view YouTube as a social media platform, this Facebook stat shows that the social media giant is an important avenue for any brand hoping to reach customers with disposable income. This rings true for just about any sort of product or service – luxury goods, high-end real estate, or even gourmet food. Naturally, this demographic purchases everyday products just like any average Joe out there too.

8.) 77% of Facebook Users are Under 45
This figure shouldn’t come as a surprise. The older age segment is accustomed to growing their personal network via in-person interactions instead of on mobile devices. They write letters, make phone calls, and attend networking events. Younger professionals do these things too, but they also enjoy online interactions while checking in with their social circles. In addition to social networking, the digital realm provides the means to play your favorite game with a friend on the other side of the country. Furthermore, what’s not to love about a dedicated Facebook group or a well-maintained Facebook page?
Facebook Stats: Customer Engagement
Once upon a time, Facebook was free of commercials and was simply a place to hang out with your friends in cyberspace. Friends and social contacts posted on the “wall” of the active users they wished to connect with, sent friend requests, and issued the timeless “pokes.” It wasn’t long after Facebook opened up to users of all ages that advertisements started to appear. Here is a handful of social media stats to show how marketers have made the most of the Facebook platform lately.
9.) 66% of Facebook Users Either Like or Follow a Brand Page
66% of Facebook users…that’s a lot of positive engagement with brands via a social media platform. Facebook encompasses all sorts of businesses and content types. Facebook users can learn a lot about fellow Facebook users by viewing what they’ve liked and/or followed. How? Well, a piece of content can generate an informal picture of an individual’s personality and interests. Granted, many Facebook users opt not to show their interests via their profiles. However, the majority of users wear their interests on their digital sleeves. Seeing someone else like something that piques your interest can influence purchasing decisions, which, in turn, drives advertising revenue.
10.) 78% of American Consumers Have Discovered a Product via Facebook
Think about it – 78% of American consumers – that’s a boatload of opportunities to make a positive impression on American consumers via social media. The real kicker here for digital marketers is that not all impressions are made via intentional advertising methods. I’ve personally discovered new products via my friend’s posts or video reviews. If all of those organic impressions from happy (or even dissatisfied) customers make an impact, imagine what intentional advertising efforts are capable of producing!

11.) 81% of Businesses Share Video on Facebook
81% of businesses – eight out of every ten businesses – share video via Facebook. Personally, this is nothing more than common sense. Why? Well, the best place to share your content is somewhere your audience visits every day. Back in the day, this was the television, newspapers, or even radio waves.
However, these older methods of communication, while still in use, have lost their luster with the younger generations. Instead, younger users flock to social media platforms, such as Facebook, instead of news sites and other old-school media avenues. Furthermore, if potential customers follow your business page, they’re likely to see your video content in their feed!
12.) Roughly 15% of Facebook Users Are On the Platform to Shop
Facebook is by no means on the same level as Instagram or Pinterest when it comes to shopping, but 15% of users is nothing to shake your finger at. Keep in mind that Pinterest was essentially designed for shopping, whereas Facebook is where people go to connect. However, innocent socializing often entails something along the lines of, “I love your shoes, where’d you get them?” Moments such as this are ideal for us marketers and we’d be foolish not to make the most of them.
13.) 2 out of 3 Adults Visited At Least One Local Business Page within the Past Week
That’s 66.66% of adults on the Facebook platform! While Facebook branding is vital for e-commerce, you need to ensure that your Facebook business page is current and keeping with the times. Although e-commerce platforms are valuable, you need to capitalize on local searches via Facebook since they can have an immense impact on your brand’s reach.
14.) A Typical Users Average 12 Likes, 5 Comments & 1 Share Every Month
So…what does this mean? We’re talking about 19 total interactions that other users can see each month. Keep in mind, this doesn’t include click-throughs on ads or to other websites. Regardless, this is still almost one interaction every day for two-thirds of each month. The biggest takeaway here is that these interactions are earned. Your content needs to be unique and speaks directly to your audience’s interests. In simpler terms, bland content won’t do the job.

Facebook Marketing is Everywhere
Owning the title of the king has its privileges in any market. For Facebook, this means getting away with charging top dollar for advertising. With its massive audience and chances for promotional content to go viral, it isn’t surprising that Facebook possesses a handful of unique traits that help increase engagement rates of followers and potential customers.
15.) 93% of Marketers Advertise on Facebook
When this many marketers rely on something, you know that it has to work to a certain degree. This shouldn’t come as a surprise given the massive number of Facebook users around the globe. All you really need to do is draft a heartfelt post about something you seriously care about. Odds are that you’ll connect with kindred minds who will share the post and the rest is history. If your post happens to mention a product or service that has changed someone’s life, you can only imagine how many likes and shares your post will gain from active users on the platform.
16.) Facebook Charges Around $0.97 Per Click
This price tag isn’t cheap, but it’s not outrageous either. Think about it, if someone clicks through an advert, they’re likely interested in purchasing your product or service. This isn’t always the case. However, the competitive rate of Facebook ads often results in improved advertising return rates.
17.) 63% of Marketers Believe Facebook is the Most Effective Way to Advertise
63% of marketers…that’s just under two-thirds. When you consider that people spend much of their time and energy on the Facebook social network, it should come as a surprise that advertising on this social platform is so effective. If you play your cards right, the impact of an advertisement goes beyond the actual advertisement. Sometimes this means a conversation among friends about what they think of the advertisement. Say, for instance, that a coffee brand is having a massive sale…but isn’t everyone else?
Messaging friends can help someone decide which sales to make the most of and which to avoid. Furthermore, sometimes consumers share advertisements that they don’t directly benefit from but know that a good friend might find the advertisement helpful. No matter how you slice it, marketers pretty much always come away with the win when we advertise on Facebook.