It is common knowledge across the marketing world that content is king. This is basically an irrefutable fact for the most part. People use social media all the time. They skim through various articles and different types of content and share them with their friends. Content marketing has quickly shifted from being a new marketing tool to a golden standard. However, this is not the only above-average feature of content marketing. So, without further adieu, here are ten fascinating content marketing facts that will leave you breathless!
Blogs Generate a Lot of Leads
Did you know that having a blog and posting regularly is a great way to attract new clients? Well, you do now! Believe it or not, people actually enjoy reading stuff about a company’s business and the industry itself. If your audience already knows your company, then a blog can help them get to know it even better. Furthermore, a company with a blog creates a more transparent relationship with clients and the public. How’s that for your first content marketing fact?
Strong Content Marketing Doesn’t Mean You Have to Reinvent the Wheel
Many believe that your content won’t yield the desired results if it isn’t 100% original. This is a total myth. Many digital marketers find their inspiration from other trustworthy sources and tweak it to the likes of their own readers. It is critical that your content is unique, but also interesting and useful to your audience. Thus, borrowing a masterful post is far more beneficial than crafting a 100% original piece that is just plain boring.
Content Marketers Don’t Always Craft the Content Marketing Material
It goes without saying that content is beneficial for all companies. However, most companies don’t have professionals on staff to create fresh content. Most small companies don’t have an in-house content writer due to limited budgets. On the other hand, larger companies frequently task individuals and specific departments with generating content.
However, even big brands don’t always have a fully staffed team of content writers. While most large brands have content marketers on their teams, most lack a dedicated content director.

Email is the Most Popular Type of Content Marketing
Many believe that their readers prefer social media over email, but this is not the case. No matter what you may think, emails are the most popular form of content. This is why marketers should continue to develop their email marketing campaigns. You also need to make sure that your email marketing campaigns are interesting and catchy.
Email is also convenient since the marketing industry has relied on it for years. Better yet, there are countless tools that make the email marketing process easier. These tools allow you to better evaluate the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns with little, to no effort.
Articles with Images are More Effective
Believe it, or not, but simply adding images to your content makes it more effective and appealing to your readers. Your audience values quality content, but images still work wonders when it comes to capturing your reader’s attention.
Regular Blogging Can Increase Your Traffic 5x
You simply cannot just have a blog and update it when you feel like it. In order to increase your inbound traffic via content marketing, you have to blog on a regular basis. Readers love it when blogs are not only interesting but active too. Updating your blog 15+ times per month with high-quality content can yield surprising results. Moreover, this shows that you’re active since you always have something to share with your audience.

Most Content Marketers Don’t Understand What Content is Most Effective
When it comes to content marketing, it’s difficult to understand what content will yield positive results. That being said, it is absurd to expect marketers to predict the potential effectiveness of any piece of content. Furthermore, most marketers still want to learn how to craft better stories to share with their audience. Lastly, all marketers want to produce visual content that is extremely appealing.
Content Marketers Employ Roughly 12 Different Tactics
It should go without saying, but there is no secret sauce when it comes to content marketing. Some marketers showcase lots of videos and different types of visual content and others focus solely on quality articles. Many content marketers incorporate podcasts, infographics, and research papers. Others keep it simple and stick to only text and images. Every organization examines its strategies and tweaks them if the current plan doesn’t yield the desired results.
Few Marketers Develop a Documented Content Strategy
Roughly one-third of all content marketers bother to develop a content strategy. The others possess a rough idea, but never formally document it. While this may seem surprising, it shouldn’t come as a total shock. It’s wicked difficult to create a documented strategy in a world that is constantly shifting and evolving. Furthermore, it’s difficult to predict the general effectiveness of the result.
Developing a well-documented content strategy is essential for every organization. You’ll never figure out how to achieve your goals if you don’t take the time to clearly define and understand them. Furthermore, if you don’t understand the methods, you will eventually find yourself in a state of utter chaos one day.
There is No Magical Social Media Platform for Content Marketing
The internet is constantly shifting and evolving at a shocking rate and people switch platforms all the time. Professionals tend to prefer LinkedIn, while millennials are enthralled with Instagram. We’d be amiss if we were to forget about the masses who check their Facebook accounts every five minutes. This is why you must research and understand your target audience if you want your content marketing efforts to thrive. When you truly know your target audience, then you can focus on generating content for those specific platforms.
Hopefully, you found these content marketing facts helpful because I sure do! Feel free to message me if you have any further questions or if you want to say hi!